Daycare centers help aging patients improve fitness and quality of life while reducing depression and hospitalization within the communities that they serve. These supportive services can be complemented by additional support at home
Pre-frail and frail patients at risk for falls, dementia and hospitalization that attend daycare centers can now receive a referral for telehealth support from a prevention team of physiatrists and pharmacists at home. This telehealth support is facilitated by a prevention navigator who visits the patient at the daycare center.
Patients receive a rehabilitation medicine consult that identifies any barriers that are effecting fitness and functional capacity like pain. The physiatrist then prescribes a self-management care plan and pharmacist support for:
In addition, patients receive specialized telehealth tablets for home that enable the physiatry-pharmacy teams to deliver frailty prevention utilizing best practices from proven models that include cardiac rehabilitation, pulmonary rehabilitation and the Lancet commission for dementia prevention.